Thursday, September 24, 2015

Winning the shift to mobile: A new guide to mastering micro-moments

AdWords Agency Blog
Winning the shift to mobile: A new guide to mastering micro-moments
Mobile has changed the marketing world. Today we're launching an executive guide that shows how brands like Sephora, Virgin America, Walgreens and Home Depot are conquering that new world. It's called Micro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile.

Smartphones have given marketers billions of new daily moments to connect with people. Some of those moments are better for marketing than others, of course: you’re not looking for brand engagement as you post your vacation photos from Bermuda to make your friends jealous.

But there are many more moments when we all turn to our devices and welcome what brands have to say. Those are the I-want-to-know, I-want-to-go, I want-to-do, and I want-to-buy moments when we look for answers, plan ahead and make decisions. At Google, we call these micro-moments.

In these micro-moments, consumers are often more loyal to their immediate needs than to a particular brand. In fact, 65% of smartphone users say that when searching on their smartphones, they look for the most relevant information regardless of the company providing the information.

That makes micro-moments a real land of opportunity. And there's a clear way for brands to win: Identify the moments that matter to their customers, commit to being there with relevant and useful content, and deliver frictionless experiences across devices and channels.

It's essential to be useful: only 9% of users will stay on a mobile site or app if they can't find what they want, it's too slow or it just doesn’t satisfy their needs.

Our new micro-moments guide can help your brand win the shift to mobile and crack the micro-moments code. It’s full of actionable insights to help you...
Be There: Anticipate the micro-moments for users in your industry, and be in place when they happen.

Be Useful: Be relevant to consumers’ micro-moment needs and connect them to the answers and content they’re looking for.

Be Quick: Deliver a fast and frictionless mobile experience.

Connect the Dots: Reshape your measurement strategy and teams to extract the full value of micro-moments on all screens and channels.Download the micro-moments guide and look over the executive summary. We hope the brand studies in particular will inspire ideas for your clients’ content, campaigns and mobile site and app experiences.

1. Consumers in the Micro-Moment, Wave 3, Google/Ipsos, U.S., August 2015, n=1291 online smartphone users 18+
2. Consumers in the Micro-Moment, Wave 3, Google/Ipsos, U.S., August 2015, n=1291 online smartphone users 18+