7-21-15 10am PST
Blog Author; Brian M Rye
current website
I have been involved in the Internet since 1994, my Father bought Patent and Rights for a
invention we got to marketplace. In the process we had one of the first Websites online
Toylatab.com back in 1994 there were only Directories and Online Malls, no Internet yet.
I became a keyword expert, working for such companies as Onvia.com for Bid Matching SSL Database Software.
I tried over the years as I had many Websites to use Google AdWords, I was very experienced
with SEO, I had got all of my Websites on Page 1 usually Position 1 for many keyword phrases.
But I was not getting the traffic and revenue that the people I knew that were using AdWords for
their Websites on the same page. I did not understand I was told that ranking organically was much better, for who? I am in the business of making sales and revenue, not rankings.
So being a keyword expert and with many software tools to check keywords of competitors,
I wanted to try my own AdWords Campaign, I knew which keywords would succeed but after several attempts I failed horribly, I lost money like I was gambling at Horse Races. I found that even
with 20 plus years of Websites and Internet Marketing, it was best to hire a expert in Google
AdWords Campaigns, when you consider you are going to spend your money do it wisely.
You would not go out and buy parts for your Mercedes ot Audi and rent a so it your self garage
just because you can and other people are able to do it, does not mean you can also.
Hire a professional PPC Company of you spend over $1000 a month, and if you spend
$10,000 and over hire the best company with the most recomendations fom other
Enterprise level Companies like you.
I have some advice coming from someone that is probably three times better at SEO than most
in-house people and small PPC/SEO Companies you use to save money, get the best company
in the Industry for Pay Per Click Campaigns, that would be Disruptive Advertising.
Voted by TopSEO.com as the nubmer one Enterprise level PPC Company for July 2015,
I use this link to get my Free Pay Per Click Audit from Disruptive Advertising, for this page
it is minimum $10,000 month PPCcampaigns more for Enterprise Level Companies